You can find online biorhythm calculators.
See the Cell Biorhythms Calculator site.
Or you can hire a sports medicine expert trained in testing you to get a handle on your own biorhythms.
Check out the biorhythm website.
Also here are more links for learning about biorhythms and finding local sources to help you understand how biorhythms work as part of the science of biochronology.
For more details, also check out the Medicine site and read the article, Biorhythms.
Here are some helpful links.
Medical Author: William C.
Shiel, Jr., MD, FACP, FACR Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD What are biologic rhythms?
How does the "body clock" affects symptoms of illness?
What are examples of specific diseases affected by biorhythms?
Angina Heart attack High blood pressure (hypertension) Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) Asthma Can the "body clock" affect diagnostic testing?
Can drug therapy be matched to the "body clock?" Chronobiology: marking time, making progress Wise food and chronobiology traditions reveal that what is certain is that the person you are in the morning is different from the one you are at night.
Your blood pressure rises between 8 a.m.
and 12 noon, then starts dropping until it's midnight low.
There's an internal clock governing your hormone levels and your heartbeat, all following different clocks that may bear only a slight relation to your daily cycle. Individuals respond to this regulation by perodic changes in their growth and behavior patterns.
Jet lag is one example of what happens when the internal clock is out of whack.
Morning people have a higher body temperature than the afternoon or evening person.
That's what gives them that early morning burst of energy. All these inner clocks, your biorhythms, are affected by whether you start the day with specific types of protein or complex carbohydrates.
And if you're eating whole grains, for energy, it's part of wise food traditions to let the whole grains ferment overnight in a refrigerated jar or pot of filtered water. Let whole grains such as raw whole buckweat and sunflower seeds begin to sprout tiny white roots, and then when they're soft and chewy, eat a small amount raw with berries, or if you can't tolerate raw soaked grains, steam the whole grains with a handful of seeds or nuts, such as sunflower or sesame seeds or almonds.
And add your fish protein and teaspoon of fish oils (unless you're going to have surgery and don't want your blood thinned). Fish oils high in DHA and EPA, such as relatively contaminant-free krill oil helps to time your monday slumps and thursday jumps.
There is no aspect of human biology that is not influenced by our daily internal clock rhythms.
This, in turn, influences the way in which you conduct daily business.
And what affects your biorhythms?
It's the food you eat, and most important, when you eat it.
Everyone's circadian rhythms vary, but there are some basics such as needing a time to sleep, according to your genetic variation. Speaking biorhythmically, brunch for most people is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day.
And brunch is supposed to begin around 10:30 a.m.
to 12:30 pm for those who don't get up before 7 a.m.
It's slump time if you take your lunch late in the afternoon.
And if you skip breakfast early in the morning without a bite of fish protein, such as a can of no-salt-added wild Alaskan salmon, you're likely to droop or crash by the usual work hour lunch break working traditions offer that varies between noon and 2 pm. If you're measuring circadian clocks or biorhythms, the best predictor of job performance is body temperature.
As it falls from a 10 p.m.
zenith of 99 degrees to a pre-dawn nadir of 97 degrees, your mental functions drop.
You perform best when all your body's clocks are in sync.
When your mechanisms fall out of step, you are more likely to make errors or have accidents. Memory peaks at 11 a.m., but math skills drop off at noon.
Business performance levels fall just after lunch.
By late afternoon, stress can be handled more effectively.
The internal clock is as individual as a fingerprint.
Once you have determined what your high and low energy levels are, you will be better able to adjust your prospecting and selling activities to more efficient and profitable time slots. Each morning many parents, rise at 4:30 a.m., rush their preschoolers to the babysitters, jog around the block and reach their work destinations with many other early workers at 6:00 a.m.
These workers are responsible for servicing clients or machinery, processing data, talking on the phone, keeping records, learning new product information, visiting potential customers, driving or riding public transportation, building or repairing, training, and processing lots of paper work.
The workers put in a full day, pick up their children, and arrive home to a full evening of housework.
What gives these tired people a second wind? These workers have tuned into their internal clock to tell them why they think and work better on some days than on others.
Biorhythm/internal clock theory is medically called chronobiology.
(The difference between biorhythms and internal clocks is that biorhythms measure the physical, emotional and intellectual cycles, while internal clocks measure mood, memory and body temperature during a 24 hour cycle.) It supposes that each person has a built in biological clock that regulates the levels of various hormones and the rates or chemical processes in response to internal and environmental cues. Read the article, Chronobiological Interventions in Mood Disorders.
The research noted in the article stated that "studies provide evidence that chronobiological treatments (SPA/TSD/light therapy) may represent novel and safe augmentation strategies that could contribute to the management of unipolar and bipolar depression." There is also preliminary evidence suggesting that variations in genes supporting the molecular clock (CLOCK and GSK3-b) may influence core features of bipolar disorder, such as age at onset and rate of recurrence.
See the article, Serretti A, Benedetti F, Mandelli L, et al.
"Genetic dissection of psychopathological symptoms: insomnia in mood disorders and CLOCK gene polymorphism." Am J Med Genet.
2003;121B:35-38. What Does a Chronbiological Consultant Do? These holistic health practitioners and/or fitness trainers might determine when salespeople will have a "critical" day, and how to use the internaI clock to their best advantage.
Chronobiological consultants evaluate the performance level of sales executives individually on a scale according to their biorhythms.
Many of these consultants specialize in working with althletes or other sports figures. For example, a consultant might find one type of baseball player who performed at an average level all the time, while another type manifested extreme activity whether that type played a fantastic game or a terrible one.
Some had a peak activity period between 7:00 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m., whereas others showed no energy high points or valley of fatigue at any special hour of the workday. How chronobiological consultants evaluate their clients is to first examine the clients' internal clocks.
The consultant working with with baseball players and business executives, for example, begins with a compatibility study between the executives (or players) and the manager (or coach), the assistant coach, and all the trainers and persons working with the athletes (or the business executives). The compatibility study between the trainers and the coaches is vital in order that all can be aware of the similarity of the energy flow between them.
For each game, the consultant predicts on a scale of 4 to 10 at what level the consultant thinks each member of the baseball or executive management team would play.
The consultant gives a prediction to the coaches (or business executives) before the game, and they, in turn, use the prediction to evaluate their athletes (or business executives/managers). To start training yourself to eventually work with clients such as sports figures or business executives, you need computer software that produces biorhythms charts to obtain a workup on each client.
If you want to be a chronobiological consultant, you need to sit down with your clients and and ask how they felt that day.
This is to see if you can pinpoint on the chart whether there is a correlation and which cycle has the most influence.
Sure it takes training and experience before you can work with your first client.
The work is about finding correlations. When the correlation is determined where the person feels most high or low the results are put in a diary.
The chronobiology consultant keeps a record of their client's productivity growth to see how much they were selling or how they were performing that day. The consultant keeps track of each client's production level for at least a month.
That way the consultant can look back at the client's cycle to determine when they perform their best.
If they don't perform, their cash gross is one good factor that indicates a good or a low day. A chronobiology (or biorhythms) consultant looks at the cash gross of a client who is a salesperson and evaluates it according to what the client's biological cycles were on that lucky day.
All three bio rhythms go into their output (mood, memory and body temperature). This corresponds to the physical, emotional and intellectual cycle.
If all three rhythms were going into the output, the consultant gives an okay to the client's manager to assign that client a larger quota of work because that person has more energy going in one direction. If you want to train to become a chronobiology/biorhythms consultant, check out the Natural Biorhythms site.
Also read the article about biorhythms and law school performance at the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC).
There's a branch studying the effects of music on the body, especially on the brain and heart rate. For example, classical music played at 50-60 beats per minute has a calming affect on the body's electrical system.
The heart rate slows slightly to beat in sync with the rhythm of the music, somewhat like a metronome.
For meditation, music played at 50-60 beats per minute for calming while listening, mediation, and relaxation or concentration often is recommended.
See the site of Advanced Brain Technologies. How chronobiological consultants evaluate their clients is to first examine the clients' internal clocks.
The consultant working with with baseball players and business executives, for example, begins with a compatibility study between the executives (or players) and the manager (or coach), the assistant coach, and all the trainers and persons working with the athletes (or the business executives). The compatibility study between the trainers and the coaches is vital in order that all can be aware of the similarity of the energy flow between them.
For each game, the consultant predicts on a scale of 4 to 10 at what level the consultant thinks each member of the baseball or executive management team would play.
The consultant gives a prediction to the coaches (or business executives) before the game, and they, in turn, use the prediction to evaluate their athletes (or business executives/managers). To start training yourself to eventually work with clients such as sports figures or business executives, you need computer software that produces biorhythms charts to obtain a workup on each client.
If you want to be a chronobiological consultant, you need to sit down with your clients and and ask how they felt that day.
This is to see if you can pinpoint on the chart whether there is a correlation and which cycle has the most influence.
Sure it takes training and experience before you can work with your first client.
The work is about finding correlations. When the correlation is determined where the person feels most high or low the results are put in a diary.
The chronobiology consultant keeps a record of their client's productivity growth to see how much they were selling or how they were performing that day. The consultant keeps track of each client's production level for at least a month.
That way the consultant can look back at the client's cycle to determine when they perform their best.
If they don't perform, their cash gross is one good factor that indicates a good or a low day. If all three rhythms were going into the output, the consultant gives an okay to the client's manager to assign that client a larger quota of work because that person has more energy going in one direction.
You may wish to work or go to school at midnight, by taking all your courses online, or going to work then, if your biorhythms indicate that might be a best-fit for your health.
But most people need to sleep in the darkest hours to prevent rapid aging and loss of the natural melatonin, among other hormones that are in your body. Chronobiological consultants train salespersons and executives how to structure their business to keep in harmony with their internal clock so that maximum productivity can be achieved.
If you're interested in becoming a nutrition and fitness consultant, you also can train to be a chronobiological trainer as part of a program that combines certification as a holistic health practioner, nutrition consultant, and fitness trainer. These holistic health practitioners determine when salespeople will have a "critical" day, and how to use the internaI clock to their best advantage.
Chronobiological consultants evaluate the performance level of sales executives individually on a scale according to their biorhythms.
Many of these consultants specialize in working with althletes or other sports figures. For example, a consultant might find one type of baseball player who performed at an average level all the time, while another type manifested extreme activity whether that type played a fantastic game or a terrible one.
Some had a peak activity period between 7:00 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m., whereas others showed no energy high points or valley of fatigue at any special hour of the workday. If you'd like to become a chronobiology consultant, look for accredited university programs or colleges that offer training in sports medicine, nutrition, fitness, and holistic health emphasizing courses in chronobiology consulting.
Make sure you're also trained in neurobiology and chronobiology along with certification in a licensed healthcare profession such as nurse, dietitian, fitness trainer, physical education, physical therapy, gerontology, assistive technology, or psychology. Chronobiology may be used at a variety of levels from holistic health practitioner to psychiatrist.
Or it can be approached by a trained fitness professional in sports medicine or a nutritionist.
You can teach a course in chronobiology to other healthcare professionals if you have certification in an allied health field such as nursing or nutrition, sports medicine, or neurobiology and related specializations in psychology. The point is if you're a registered nurse or licensed dietitian, chances for employment in chronobiology might be more anchored to your original licensing than if you took a short course in chronobiology and another short course to be a fitness trainer.
So make sure you get training from an accredited school and that jobs are waiting that are tied to an allied health field that uses chronobiology training along with other allied healthcare professional work. Browse my books, How Nutrigenomics Fights Childhood Type 2 Diabetes & Weight Issues (2009) or Predictive Medicine for Rookies (2005).
Or see my books, How to Safely Tailor Your Foods, Medicines, & Cosmetics to Your Genes (2003) or How to Interpret Family History & Ancestry DNA Test Results for Beginners (2004) or How to Open DNA-driven Genealogy Reporting & Interpreting Businesses.
Photo credits: Photos: 1, 2,, 3.
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