About 'college of america'|Report: Only 5 Colleges in America Offer Reasonable Access and Education to Low-Income Students, and Queens College is One of Them
In January of 2007 I wrote a story about the Patron Saint Of Foster parents. It basically is about a Joe who dedicated his life to teaching by example. Today I met a man by the name of Joe that is running for President of the United States of America. "Average Joe Schriner" as he calls himself is just an everyday man that believes simple is better. I only spoke with Joe eye to eye for a short time. I watched the way he treated his wife and children with respect, love and admiration. I listened to his question and when I responded he listened. I kid you not this fella just maybe the salvation to our country's dilemma. Can you imagine a leader with integrity, grass roots faith in family and a Higher Power that is based in kindness and love? Joe Schriner is not a millionaire like the major candidates for this job. Joe still talks to his children, mows his own grass and plays Scrabble with his bride of thirteen years. Joe has traveled with his family about 80,000 miles of the back roads of this country meeting with us everyday folks. Wow can you imagine the stress of traveling the back roads of our country with young children. What a great training ground for negotiations with congress. Y'all know you can tell a lot about a man by reading his web site. Y'all can read about Joe @ http://www.voteforjoe.com/index.html I know you also can learn a lot about a man from the way he treats his mate and his children. I observed Joe and his quiet manner teaching by example his children. I saw Joe Schriner treat his bride with respect and give her the looks of a man that longs to do more for his mate. Average Joe Schriner is the next President of the United States of America. Some may feel it's another Rocky Balboa story about a Ohio man against the millionaires. Some may call him too small to compete. Joe Schriner has my vote and my admiration. Remember there are eight Presidents already from the Buckeye State Joe Schriner will make nine. Ohio is the birthplace of Presidents of the United States of America. Joe Schriner, Graduate of BGSU an Ohio college, a husband, father, and journalist from the great state of Ohio will be President of the United States of America...bet you last dollar on it. Mizpah ;-}}> |
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